Kamis, 01 Desember 2011
Selasa, 22 November 2011
Hari ini saya akan menshare sebuah software untuk mengalih bahasa....
yang mau... cekidot
yang mau... cekidot
Kamis, 17 November 2011
I. Purpose : to know part of egg and that function
II. Tools and materials:
1. two eggs
2. small plate
3. knife
4. magnifier
III. Procedure :
1. cook one of egg
2. divide it into two pieces
3. observe the part of egg with magnifier
4. break the unripe egg and put it in small plate
5. observe the part of egg
IV. Data :
V. Result :
In figure above, egg have egg shell, albumen, yolk, and embryo. The function of egg shell is to protect egg, albumen is to protect embryo, the function of yolk is as food for the embryo. And in figure above, the ripe egg not have embryo and in unripe egg have embryo, it mean not all egg have embryo.
VI. Conclusion
Every egg have egg shell, albumen and yolk. But, not all of egg have embryo, the egg that not have embryo because its not fertilization